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Posts posted by SteamPower4ever
  1. He does nice work indeed. :)

    I have a similar case for my BR50 steamer. To avoid the hassle of lifting out the engine and tender, I've fitted a length of track to that case.

    That way I can drive the engine straight into and out of the box. You can see it at the end of this video:



  2. It's printed on the body.

    I do in fact have some 2400 and even 4000 "sand paper" that I bought a long time ago and which - according to the LHS dealer at the time - can be used for the exact purpose. I also have silver and steel paint for the paintbrush.

    So that's going to be plan A ... when I get around to it.

  3. Right - late sixties into the seventies.


    That is consistent with the numbering of the A units (311 and 310C) as the 300 series was delivered as LAB sets and not LABC.

    310C was born 42C but renumbered in 1971, only months before being leased to Amtrak. Delivered back to ATSF in 1973 and rebuilt to a CF7 in 1974.

    I was thinking about renumbering the A units which would have been no biggie, but it seems I need to figure out how to remove the bar codes also. I want a late fifties train.


    Thanks for the help, Joe.

    Muy obligado.


  4. All my F7s have a coloured barcode next to the road name.

    Surprising. Ugly. Never saw that on a picture.


    Does anyone know what that is for? Some late Amtrak thing? A manufacturing blip?

    Does anyone know how to remove it without damaging the silver coat?






  5. Thanks, but I shall pass the kudos on to my friend Stefan whose layout it is.

    Stefan's layout building skills are way better than mine, but as I am leaving my club which currently seems to have neither rudder nor men at the helm, Stefan's layout and garden is the home turf :)

  6. Noisy critter, too :D


    I can't program the DCC CVs as my ECoS is shorting out, but it says so in the manual that might be the case.

    I'll wait until Sunday when I get to a friend who has a booster.


    Man, this was worth the wait :wub:

  7. 16 hours ago, enginear joe said:

    Does Denmark have a lottery? You should play it!


    We do in fact have a lottery, but for most people it's just a tax for having no sense of statistics :D

    At least with this order I've had probable cause for hoping that eventually they'd ship something.


    Man, I've been thinking about cancelling many times ... but I'm glad I didn't.



  8. Assuming the shipment does arrive today, they probably need to inspect and test them before listing. If it's a full shipping container, there's probably lots of other stuff in it.

    Nothing to do about it either way. They arrive when they arrive, but yes - it was surprisingly specific info.

  9. It still needs tweaking, but when I'm happy with it, I'll make it available on Shapeways, so anyone can order as many as they like.

    My plan is to also release the CAD drawings as open source, so anyone can make modifications or print the trucks elsewhere if they find a cheaper or better service.




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