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Posts posted by Rayman4449

  1. The issue with soldering anything to rail in this scale is the size of rail resulting in it being hard to get the spot hot enough to solder to it. The rail absorbs the heat at a rapid rate.  Not saying it cant be done, but it is more problematic.  If I was going to do that i would probably use a propane torch but will have to be sure not to melt the ties.

  2. Hi there and welcome :)


    1.  Additional track feeders/connection points most likely will not be needed for a layout that small.  If he is using the original track joiners were you just slide the track together then maybe yes.  Slider joiners are and generally can provide unreliable track joint connections.  The best way to go is direct to rail railclamps.  http://www.rayman4449.com/Rail_Connections.htm   If he has railclamps then no would not need extra power feeders.  It does not matter if you run AC or DC power, situation is still the exact same.


    2.  I install MTH DCS/Protosound in engines and cant speak to DCC installations.

    3.  Lighted cars would still work the same no need for a decoder.

    4.  See #1.  Go with direct to rail clamps to avoid issues.

    5.  See #1 again.  If using railclamps then no, should not have significant issues with power pickup.  I recommend people go with Stainless steel rail.  If he already has his track and its brass then just stick with what you have.  http://www.rayman4449.com/Track_Types.htm



  3. Not sure we will be able to do anything but guess as far as dates but they may be close enough now to the completion of the FEF that they formally queued up the next production runs and have decided to do both steamers.  It is good news to see them announcing the Hudsons already.  I wouldn't think significant effort on the Big Boys or Hudsons will be made until the FEFs are done and shipped to the US.  My guess would be a couple of years before we would see them.

  4. I think you have identified the problem correctly.  


    What I would do is go to Bachmann's website and see if you can find parts avail for that engine.  https://www.bachmanntrains.com/home-usa/prod_serv.php


    Is the engine you have the 2-4-2 Columbia?  https://estore.bachmanntrains.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=69_691&zenid=t7tvirvsbsabjmmp51dga26ti4 


    or the Lyu?  https://estore.bachmanntrains.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=69_597&zenid=t7tvirvsbsabjmmp51dga26ti4

  5. On the MTH timelines, don't link MTH dates with dates from other companies.  As I always note, for the MTH dates stay focused on when the product was officially announced in their catalog and figure up to 2 years for actual delivery (regardless of whatever date you currently see on the MTH website).  I have seen this over and over again, a product is announced, then there are 10 pages of discussing/guessing as to when it will arrive and like clockwork, 2 years from announcement we see shipment.  Watch the MTH dates but keep the 2 year 'rule' in the back of your mind.

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