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Everything posted by avant
  1. Has anyone changed a big boy over to battery?
  2. Take a look at this bidding report and see if you see anything wrong.... idder Bid Date and hour its_only_money $ 75.01 10/21/2015 1:04 AM Avant $ 75 10/21/2015 1:04 AM Avant $ 71.01 10/21/2015 1:03 AM its_only_money $ 70.01 10/21/2015 1:03 AM Avant $ 66.01 10/21/2015 1:03 AM its_only_money $ 65.01 10/21/2015 1:03 AM Avant $ 61.01 10/21/2015 1:02 AM its_only_money $ 60.01 10/21/2015 1:02 AM Avant $ 56.01 10/21/2015 1:01 AM its_only_money $ 55.01 10/21/2015 1:01 AM Avant $ 53 10/21/2015 1:01 AM its_only_money $ 52 10/21/2015 1:01 AM Avant $ 51 10/18/2015 1:11 AM dtetreault $ 50 10/18/2015 1:11 AM dtetreault $ 45.01 10/18/2015 1:07 AM Avant $ 44.01 10/18/2015 1:07 AM dtetreault $ 43.01 10/13/2015 10:22 PM lgb $ 42.01 10/13/2015 10:22 PM dtetreault $ 32.03 10/13/2015 7:43 PM billthur $ 31.03 10/13/2015 7:43 PM dtetreault $ 10.75 10/12/2015 9:50 PM hayman62 $ 9.75 10/12/2015 9:50 PM dtetreault $ 7 10/11/2015 11:32 PM rdcomeau $ 6 10/11/2015 11:32 PM dtetreault $ 4. I have to outbid myself by $4 and then someone else can outbid me by $0.01? Seems like someone has a broken auction site that is screwing the people selling and the people buying. What do people here say? Looks like the problem with their system may be the $75 bid, that should not have occurred. IF you take that away then it all makes some kind of sense where the other bidder was going $5 each step of their bid above _themselves_... but that doesn't make a lot of sense either...
  3. Thanks Joe! So far I love batteries, EXCEPT, batteries don't give your accessorized cars power, and running power to the switches and stuff will reduce the benefits of the batteries a fair bit... track is actually a fairly decent way to distribute power, so I still might power the track!
  4. Hi Everybody! First post to the forum, and I have been reading/visiting sites generally sopping up info like a dry sponge. I am just getting into g scale, have a test track set up, decided on battery powered running gear, have gotten a collection of engines and started some projects. I got a few engines, new and used, put together by my suppliers ( rld ) and have upgraded a couple Aristo dash-9 and usat sd40 to airwire. Living in Reno has gotten me down to the Sparks yards to trainspot a couple of times and I'm just absorbed... My question is about my upgrade of a USAT sd40 with a drop-in Airwire board. When I flip the motor switch I am getting a high frequency beep off the airwire speaker. I've read that this indicates the voltage controllers are over loading. IF I start running the engine the beep usually goes away. I am looking for someone who has run into this before or has confirmed what the issue is with CVP. I have tried unplugging either drive unit in turn to see if either one had a short, no difference. Also, the interior and cab top strobe are extremely dim, almost non-lit. I am looking for info as to what this might be related to and any fixes? Could this be related to the beep? I am using an 18.5V li-ion 9ah battery. I wanted to ask here before going to CVP, as, from what I have seen, their answer is always, send the board in for testing... Thanks for any help Robert
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