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enginear joe

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Everything posted by enginear joe
  1. I saw this on that site. I guessed that the wheels looked like Aristo's?? The main rods did not look as big and hefty as they should be?
  2. Yes! You got one (BNSF wedge scheme -8). NO! You're going to paint it? If you were closer, I'd swap shells with you. Rats.
  3. YES! Your making me want to build these sooner. I have walked away from scratch building for awhile. I spent some time adding an inner mainline to my indoor G scale layout. I still have many things to maintain and then there's a growing list of new problems to fix. So at least someone I know is moving forward!
  4. I used to be a tough guy. Now I melt when they even care a little about something. They like my old USA SD40-2 Burlington engine. It was my first G scale engine. It makes so much gear noise that they told me not to run it. But I better not dare get rid of it! The older one used to just stare at it on the bare floor in the dining room, maybe dreaming of it running someday? I have to fix it again even if I don't want to. I will gladly do it if that keeps their interest for even a little while longer. Once they see girls for the first time, these things will be toast!
  5. You know, I have many too many engines. Let me sleep on it again. I have 2 UP challengers and the grandsons favorite is the grey UP. So I make the mistake of telling him last time and he got mad that I would sell the Clinchfield. How many do I need? I think he likes them all. I may just have to slip it out the door late at night to you!
  6. I just waited for Ray to tell me when the Big Boy finally arrived. I used to watch and now I don't. What good is an estimate of arrival that ends up 4 years off? Just order and be glad it doesn't get cancelled. With all the deliveries in HO scale and probably into S scale next, we are the G step children of the second, of four marriages. O, G, HO, and S. Did I get that right?
  7. Yeap, cut the ribs off of the top, and then maybe slice her right up at the door right side? shorter seem? windows won't be right then. Where will you cut it? 2 places? 3? looks like they didn't model the bottom end steps??
  8. I wonder if they'll make extras? I didn't order any and there were several I want. I just don't have the cash. I need to sell off some engines again. Either that, or reconfigure my fleet. I want to put MTH trucks under everything I own for worry free operation and to have a standard. Because of the limited modern diesels MTH offers, that may mean stripping several models and scratch building new shells. I have been staring at a set of PAs that might get gutted if they'll work under my SD70 shells? I just prefer modern diesels. I may do the same with at least a set of F units and make them modern switchers. Then comes the matter of chopping the 1/29 down to 1/32 or leave as is?? It seems like so much work for little gain. I'm growing tired of spending so much effort on engines that don't hold up outside on my RR. What ever happened to Mike's discussing a modern ES44 with charging lights??????????? I wish they would at least step up with a -9 model. Usually they are motivated by the competition so even maybe a GP60 at least??? do the latest MTH passenger cars come equipped with LEDs yet??
  9. I don't use IOS so I haven't seen that myself. With the flaws in the last release, maybe something else got changed or overlooked with the IOS version? Right in the app there's a support tab that will let you message MTH directly when connected to your house router.
  10. Hi MTH Rd - Thanks for solving this issue with the Google Play Store. Need clarification: My Google phone only show version 3.0.1 / It does not show anything about "Build 47" . Am I OK with the App, only showing version 3.0.1 ? Thanks: Gary Yes. Some devices may not show the build number while others do. The world of Android is incredibly variable in comparison to iOS given all the different devices and manufacturers. The version number will always change with an update as well as the build number. The latter is just further confirmation and used internally between released revisions. from the OGR post about the new app version from MTH: https://ogrforum.ogaugerr.com/topic/dcs-app-update-released-12-8-17?page=2
  11. Make sure your app version is 3.0.1 build 47. The build might not display on IOS devices. There were flaws that were fixed with this build. The previous 3.0.0 would not run lash-ups. This is the first I've heard of your problems. I will keep an eye out for more solutions. I would also think that if the app does not see the member engines of the lash-up, it will not allow it to be active. ( I have not tried this.) Do each of the engines run when called on with the app?
  12. Some posters don't get why we don't hurry or go ahead and finish our projects. There are parts of the build that may not seem any more difficult to do. That maybe true. We all have things that stop us. Usually for me it's because the project becomes less fun and too much like dreaded work. Sometimes it's just that we either have not done this particular thing, or we feel like we aren't as good at it. Sometimes I waffle over the best way to attempt this particular part. and finally for me, I just run out of money as building a project can be very expensive. Do you ever feel like posting publicly creates pressure to finish a project? That pressure doesn't pay the bills! & Sean, count the axles on that beast!!! WOW.
  13. I would have preferred not to see the real thing so I could continue to deny they existed! Now staring at these, I see what would have happened if a GG1 crashed into a whale. Sorry, I couldn't hold back. I did not know so many pics of these existed. and .... Apparently management and engineers did not know how tall they were???
  14. I see my old post above and realize that I may not of thanked Ray enough for getting me that Big Boy. He goes the extra mile for sure. One of the best people/dealerships I have dealt with. Like the top five, and I have purchased from a lot of different ones. (100 or more?) If he knows of an issue, it gets it addressed before he delivers the product. We are fortunate that he is connected to this forum as well. The wealth of knowledge he has available for sharing here is priceless. His site is a valuable resource as well. http://www.rayman4449.com/
  15. Hello, I have built one of these and stopped. I wanted more but I started working on other models. Anyways, would you sell these? Any idea of how much $?

    Let me know when you're ready. I'm cash tight right now anyways.

    Let me know also, if you need any help with making it run. Ray will take good care of you but maybe some questions?

  16. Very nice! The cab fooled me in the other post's reply of yours. Do you sell these?
  17. That looks great! Seems like a very high res print job. What model is it? Almost like this one
  18. As far as I know.... Back in the days that the engine shown was built, there were steps on the front and back of the engines for the people to stand on and hop off of to connect trains when switching. These became illegal I believe because of accidents where people got there feet amputated, broken, or severely injured. It's interesting that the engine has a homemade plate connecting these old steps. Maybe that mod was enough to get around the illegal steps without removing them? Makes for an interesting scratch build anyways.
  19. It looks very good from here. Like I said, when you are happy, we'll all be happy with it! I'm not sure what you went thru to get those done that way? Looks good to me.
  20. After running my trains for years and buying used ones, I'm now noticing a lot more missing or thrown tires. That might be because of the grade outside and the longer trains I'm running. I did loose several from a previous DCS bug that appeared too. I have a bin with extra tires in it. Sadly, I believe my spare Challenger tires were stored in the box up in the attic. So the heat probably rendered them useless?
  21. Well when the weather turns, what else can I do? The wind is so strong I'd be afraid that alone would knock the trains off the tracks. So any equipment that acted up or didn't perform well is on the mental list of "to do's". So It's to the bench! I have to look closer and see if there's any burned traces or anything affecting this engine's performance. She seems to be power hungry? At least she's smoking better now. I re-wicked her when I got her. I believe the elements might have been run dry before I got her?
  22. If you know the height and width of the windows, you should be able to judge the radii in the corners. maybe some models had bigger radii? maybe something here to see? https://history.amtrak.com/blogs/blog/creating-somethin-special-a-short-history-of-the-superliners
  23. Staring at each model or scratch build attempt, I see different radii was used. I might even guess that the prototypes got changed during their production. Personally I would size the curves off of pictures of the real cars, using the car number you're building. The view would have to be straight on and you could scale the picture up or down with the computer's zoom. When it looks right to you, it will pass with all of us!!
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